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- /*
- ** $VER: PaletteMaintenance.c V0.01 (21-06-95)
- **
- ** Author: Gerben Venekamp
- ** Updates: 21-06-95 Version 0.02 Intial module
- **
- ** PaletteMaintenanace.c cointains function to control and maintain
- ** palettes.
- **
- */
- #include <exec/memory.h>
- #include <graphics/view.h>
- #include <intuition/screens.h>
- #include <proto/dos.h>
- #include <proto/graphics.h>
- #include "IFFConverter.h"
- // Defining protos
- void FadeColours(enum Fade, UWORD, struct Screen*);
- BOOL GetNewColourMap(UBYTE *, UWORD);
- /*
- ** Result = GetNewColourMap(CMapData, PaletteDepth)
- **
- ** GetNewColourMap makes from 'CMapData' a colour palette, which
- ** can be used by 'LoadRGB32.
- **
- ** pre: CMapData - Pointer to a ILBM CMAP Chunk.
- ** PaletteDepth - Depth of palette. (in planes).
- ** post: Result - TRUE if a new colour paltte could be generated,
- ** FALSE if generaion failed.
- **
- */
- BOOL GetNewColourMap(UBYTE *CMapData, UWORD PaletteDepth)
- {
- UWORD i;
- UWORD NumberOfColours = 1<<PaletteDepth;
- UBYTE TColourComponent;
- FreeThisMem(&ColourMap, ColourMapSize);
- FreeThisMem(&SColourMap, ColourMapSize);
- ColourMapSize = (NumberOfColours*3*4)+4;
- if( AllocThisMem(&ColourMap, ColourMapSize, MEMF_CLEAR) )
- {
- if( AllocThisMem(&SColourMap, ColourMapSize, MEMF_CLEAR) )
- {
- register UBYTE *TColourMap = (UBYTE *)ColourMap;
- register UBYTE *TCMapData = CMapData;
- // For a bit of efficiency: First word is the number of colours
- // in your colourmap. Second word is the first colour to use.
- // (See Autodocs3:Graphics/LoadRGB32 for more information)
- // Anyway, Shifting the 'NumberOfColours' 16 times to the left,
- // makes a longword with the lower 16 bit cleared. In other words,
- // this long says the number of colour to use and that the first
- // colour is colour 0. This could be done in two words, now it's
- // done in one longword.
- *(ULONG *)TColourMap = (ULONG) NumberOfColours<<16;
- TColourMap += 4;
- for(i = 0; i < NumberOfColours; i++)
- {
- // Make RED component
- TColourComponent = *TCMapData++;
- *TColourMap++ = TColourComponent;
- *TColourMap++ = TColourComponent;
- *TColourMap++ = TColourComponent;
- *TColourMap++ = TColourComponent;
- // Make GREEN component
- TColourComponent = *TCMapData++;
- *TColourMap++ = TColourComponent;
- *TColourMap++ = TColourComponent;
- *TColourMap++ = TColourComponent;
- *TColourMap++ = TColourComponent;
- // Make BLUE component
- TColourComponent = *TCMapData++;
- *TColourMap++ = TColourComponent;
- *TColourMap++ = TColourComponent;
- *TColourMap++ = TColourComponent;
- *TColourMap++ = TColourComponent;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // Not enough memory for 'SColourMap'
- ErrorHandler( IFFerror_NoMemoryDoReturn, (APTR)ColourMapSize );
- return(FALSE);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // Not enough memory for 'ColourMap'
- ErrorHandler( IFFerror_NoMemoryDoReturn, (APTR)ColourMapSize );
- return(FALSE);
- }
- return(TRUE);
- }
- /*
- ** FadeColours(FadeType, Steps, ScreenToFade)
- **
- ** will fade the colours to the desired values.
- **
- ** pre: FadeType - If FADE_UP, colours will be faded to the desired values.
- ** If FADE_DOWN, colours will be faded to the background colour.
- ** Steps - Number of steps to complete the fade process.
- ** ScreenToFade - Which screen to fade the colours
- ** post: None
- **
- */
- void FadeColours(enum Fade FadeType, UWORD Steps, struct Screen * ScreenToFade)
- {
- UWORD NumberOfColours = 1<<(ScreenToFade->ViewPort.RasInfo->BitMap->Depth);
- struct ViewPort *ScreenViewPort = &(ScreenToFade->ViewPort);
- WORD i, j;
- switch(FadeType)
- {
- case FADE_UP:
- for(i=0; i<Steps; i++)
- {
- ULONG *col = (ULONG*) ColourMap+1; // Skip first two words *ONE LONG!* (Number of Colours, First Colour).
- ULONG *scol = (ULONG*)SColourMap+1; // Skip first two words *ONE LONG!* (Number of Colours, First Colour).
- for(j=0; j<NumberOfColours; j++)
- {
- *col++ = *scol++; // Do Red Component
- *col++ = *scol++; // Do Green Component
- *col++ = *scol++; // Do Blue Component
- }
- LoadRGB32(ScreenViewPort, ColourMap);
- Delay(0);
- }
- break;
- case FADE_DOWN:
- for(i=Steps; i>0; i--)
- {
- ULONG *col = (ULONG*) ColourMap;
- ULONG *scol = (ULONG*)SColourMap;
- ULONG DestColour;
- *scol++ = *col++;
- for(j=0; j<NumberOfColours; j++)
- {
- *scol++ = ((*col++)/Steps)*i; // Do Red Component
- *scol++ = ((*col++)/Steps)*i; // Do Green Component
- *scol++ = ((*col++)/Steps)*i; // Do Blue Component
- }
- LoadRGB32(ScreenViewPort, SColourMap);
- Delay(0);
- }
- break;
- }
- }